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This course is designed for any staff members who will be working in the health sector in a Primary and/or Secondary care clinical role or Administration, which would include Medical Secretaries, Prescription Clerks and/or staff carrying out Hospital referrals within the United Kingdom.

Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology, a basic introduction to Primary Care Course

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Welcome to the GP Healthcare Alliance’s Medical Abbreviations and Terminology, a basic introduction to Primary Care course.

Estimated Completion Time: 1 Hour

This course is designed for any staff members who will be working in the health sector in a Primary and/or Secondary care clinical role or Administration, which would include Medical Secretaries, Prescription Clerks and/or staff carrying out Hospital referrals within the United Kingdom. This course could take up to 1 hour to complete based on your current knowledge and work place experience and includes downloadable PDF’s for your future reference. This training course can just be downloaded and used as required if wished, depending on your own learning needs and memory retention. Once you become familiar with the abbreviations, acronyms and terminology you should be able to refer to and use them in both Primary and Secondary care establishments, as required by your workplace. You will always adhere to your workplace protocols; gain an understanding of what you will need to do and why, maintaining professional practices throughout. All information provided in the Lessons are correct and current at the time of writing. You will need to ensure that you follow any updated guidelines and work protocols within your practice.

Due to the nature of this course it is very text heavy, so don’t forget to have an eye-rest break and keep hydrated! Don’t forget that there are downloadable files for your future reference! Most of the tables and examples provided have NOT got audio support as they will be included in the PDF at the end of each lesson, which can be increased in size within this format if needed.

Course overview:

  • What is in a word? 

By completing this lesson you will discover how some medical terms are made up of a mixture of words combined, to help identify the whole meaning/diagnosis/extremes through the addition of a ‘Prefix’ and/or ‘Suffix’ to a ‘Root’ word. 

  • Common abbreviations on Discharge Summaries.

During this lesson you will begin to recognise various abbreviations/acronyms that should be helpful for those who regularly read Discharge Summaries, the list is  varied!

  • Abbreviated dosage instructions and Prescription related terminology.

By completing this lesson you will learn some of the many abbreviated prescription terminologies, as well as being able to consider the complications of using both Latin and English when providing prescription related terminology.

  • Common Acronyms for various professionals and departments in health care.

You will begin to recognise some common professional and departmental abbreviations/acronyms on completion of this lesson, it can be downloaded and has no recordings.

  • Common abbreviations/acronyms for some tests carried out in primary care in the NHS.

You will begin to recognise some common abbreviations/acronyms for some tests carried out in Primary care on completion of this lesson, it can be downloaded and has no recordings.

  • End of course assessment.

This is where you will be able to show off all the information that you have learnt, so your downloads may be useful for a quick recap! You will need 80% or more correct answers to pass and be able to obtain your certificate, which will be available on your profile page.

Please  be  aware that  all  content within  this  course  is  copyright  protected

©2024 GP Healthcare Alliance.  

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