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This course is designed for General Practice Staff, working on the SystmOne platform who will be providing prescriptions as part of their role. The aim of this training is for the learner be able to provide prescriptions to patients upon their request and being able to confidently deal with the less standard queries, for example aligning patient’s medications on the repeat slip ect.

Prescription Clerk Intermediate Training Course (SystmOne)

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Prescription Clerk Intermediate training

Welcome to the GP Healthcare Alliance’s Prescription Clerk Intermediate training course.

Estimated Completion Time: 2 Hours

This course is designed for General Practice Staff, working on the SystmOne platform who will be providing prescriptions as part of their role. The aim of this training is for the learner be able to provide prescriptions to patients upon their request and being able to confidently deal with the less standard queries, for example aligning patient’s medications on the repeat slip ect.

Please remember that throughout this course there may be some actions/instructions that may not be permitted by non-clinical staff within your workplace therefore please ensure that you adhere to any workplace protocols, understanding what to do with any concerns or queries as well as maintaining confidentiality throughout. This is an intermediate course to prescribing on SystmOne but you will need to check with any local prescribing guidance, updates and variations within your work place. You will need to become familiar with what items are not issuable on the NHS due to being an OTC ‘Over The Counter’ purchasable item, for example ‘Voltarol’ can be purchased over the counter therefore should not be issued within my area.

You will have been asked to take part in this training as your role pertains to providing prescriptions. This course provides you with guidance and will explain specific processes when prescribing.


Repeat prescriptions are medications that will be taken on a regular basis, this can be requested as an ongoing repeat prescription. This means that the doctor has given permission for the patient to be given this prescription regularly in the future.  

If Controlled Drugs (CD) are on this list then be extra vigilant to ensure that the patient would have no more than 1 month’s supply of medication in their house. If CD’s go missing this may require Police intervention after thorough investigations have happened.

Acute prescriptions are medicines that have been issued by a health care professional (HCP) but not added to the repeat prescription records. This can be for a one-off illness like a chest infection or a new medication issued for a trial period and will require a review with the HCP prior to being added onto the repeat prescription records.

It would be beneficial to have a note pad at the ready, but please do not worry if you have not, there are downloadable files for your reference! Some of the tables and examples provided have not got audio support as they will be included in the PDF at the end of each lesson, which can be increased in size within this format if or when required.

Course overview:

Patient information and safety

We will explore the importance of ensuring that we have the correct patient’s details open and who we can share this information with.

Understanding the icons and altering how the medications can be issued

We will focus on specific icons on the prescribing screens and how we can amend a repeat prescription so that they can all be issued through the Electronic Prescribing System (EPS). 

Issuing 4X7s Prescriptions

Exploring why and how we can issue 4×7 Prescriptions.

Aligning medications for the patient

We will investigate how to amend a repeat prescription by aligning medications for a patient, this will include setting a ‘Reminder’ on the ‘Home Page.’

To Re-instate Repeat Prescription Items Efficiently

We will explore how to best be able to re-instate items that were previously on the Repeat Prescription list.

Patient’s Pharmacy and Contract Supplier details

We will focus on how we can alter a patient’s pharmacy and also add/alter a contract supplier for other medical items such as colostomy bags, catheters etc.

Acute Prescriptions

We will explore how to provide an Acute prescription issue for more complex items, like End of Life medications quickly, again this is something that you will have to check that you are able to do within your Surgery’s Protocols.

End of course assessment

This is where you will be able to show off all the information that you have learnt, there is quite a lot, so making notes would benefit you for a quick recap! You will need a pass rate of 80% or more to pass and obtain your certificate, which will be sent by email to you with a feedback form once you have completed it.

Please be aware that all content within this course is copyright protected

©2022 GP Healthcare Alliance.  

Please scroll down each screen and click ‘continue’ where indicated, also be aware of the arrows or the relevant numbers on the bottom of the screen to click on as needed.

Where possible we have provided audio support to utilise if preferred, but please be aware that there are many screen shot examples for you to peruse also, which will not have audio support but can be increased in size through the PDF documentation  provided.

When you are ready to begin, click the Lesson name and then Launch Lesson.

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