The aim of this online training is for the learner to be able to complete referrals as requested by the clinicians. You will learn to understand the screens that are involved with the process whilst adhering to your work place protocols, and gain an understanding of what to do with any concerns or queries as well as maintaining confidentiality throughout.
Introductory Guide to Referral Processes in General Practice (SystmOne) course
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Welcome to GP Healthcare Alliance’s Introductory Guide to Referral Processes in General Practice (SystmOne) course.
This course is designed for any Practice Staff who will be processing referrals as part of their role. The aim of this online training is for the learner to be able to complete referrals as requested by the clinicians. You will learn to understand the screens that are involved within the process on SystmOne and will also need to make sure that you are adhering to your work place protocols. You will gain an understanding of what to do with any concerns or queries as well as maintaining confidentiality throughout.
This course is very instructional so note pad at the ready!! If you have 2 screens it might be worth having SystmOne open on the second screen so that when a suggestion is made to explore then you could do this freely as you train, in addition/alternatively we have added PDF files of all of the screen shots that you can download for future reference if you wish.
Please be aware that all content within this course is copyright protected
©2022 GP Healthcare Alliance.
Please be aware that this is an introduction course and may not be uniform to all practices. SystmOne may look different in your practice dependent on what referral forms have been added to the clinical tree. The benefit of having referral forms on the clinical tree is that when the forms are opened, they can be prepopulated with the patient’s name and NHS number for example. Other details can be added such as previous medical history and medication history, this can save a lot of time on processing each form. This is usually decided and implemented by Management or Practice Partners, if not then they will instruct you of this process as it would vary between practices and area guidelines.
You will have been asked to take part in this training as your role pertains to providing referrals to hospitals or community services. This course provides a step by step guide and will explain the processes, introduce you to the screens and help you to become familiar with what processing a referral entails.
Course overview:
- Funding forms prior to making a referral.
We will explore why we need to be aware of what funding forms are required within your working area and how to process these in order to be able to make a successful referral for your patient.
- Referral forms.
We will learn how to explore the clinical tree in order to become familiar with what referral forms can be accessed on it.
- Electronic referrals.
We will investigate what we can do to try and keep the electronic referrals current which includes keeping any shared drives up to date and ensuring that all out-dated documents are removed/deleted, to avoid confusion.
- ER-S referrals and booking appointments.
We will investigate how to recognise what particular services the appropriate department can provide, and how to navigate the booking systems on ER-S.
- 2 week wait referrals.
We will focus on how we can process a 2 week wait referral and how the referrals are requested slightly differently, for example, the read codes will start as ‘fast track….’
- Providing referral information and exploring services through ER-S.
We will explore how to provide a referral for specific hospitals and how to also provide a choice.
- End of course assessment.
This is where you will be able to show off all the information that you have learnt, there is quite a lot, so making notes would benefit you for a quick recap! You will need a pass rate of 80% or more to pass and obtain your certificate, which you can download and print on completion.
Please be aware that all content within this course is copyright protected
©2022 GP Healthcare Alliance.
Please scroll down each screen and click ‘continue’ where indicated, also be aware of the arrows or the relevant numbers on the bottom of the screen to click on as needed.
Where possible we have provided audio support to utilise if preferred but please be aware that there are many screen shot examples for you to peruse also.
When you are ready to begin, click the “Start Course” button.
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