
This course is designed for any Practice Staff who will be patient facing as part of their role. The aim of this training is for the learner to be able to consider and demonstrate the best communication skill possible, to meet the needs of the patient and also to aid understanding and acknowledgement of how to keep a situation calm and be able to liaise on the varying levels required. 

Essential Communication Techniques for Patient Care (SystmOne)

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Welcome to GP Healthcare Alliance’s Essential Communication Techniques for Patient Care (SystmOne) course.

Estimated Completion Time: 1 Hour

This course is designed for any Practice Staff who will be patient facing as part of their role. The aim of this training is for the learner to be able to consider and demonstrate the best communication skill possible, to meet the needs of the patient and also to aid understanding and acknowledgement of how to keep a situation calm and be able to liaise on the varying levels required. 

Always remember to adhere to your work place protocols, understanding what to do with any concerns or queries as well as maintaining confidentiality throughout. 

There are some helpful hints and tips too, so note pad at the ready!!

Course overview:

  • Understanding how stress can impact communications

We will explore the importance of the stress hormone ‘Cortisol,’ when it is likely to cause a reaction and how it can affect us within our communications.

  • Differing communication needs

We will learn how our approach to each patient is vital when considering their individual communication needs and also where this should be recorded. Considering diversity should be at the forefront of our communications.

  • Observations and Preventing Escalating Situations through good Communications

We will explore ways in which we can try to limit an escalating situation and consider what information may assist unhappy patients.

  • Recording Communications on Patient’s Records

We will consider the value of making ‘Administration Notes’ on a patient’s record and how this can potentially aid the patient within future interactions. 

  • Providing options

We will focus on how we could possibly provide options for patients which could alleviate their stress going forwards. We may have limited options available to us but it could be beneficial to us to have conversations with our colleagues to see how they might deal with certain situations.

  • End of course assessment.

This is where you will be able to show off all the information that you have learnt, there is quite a lot, so making notes would benefit you for a quick recap! You will need a pass rate of 80% or more to pass and obtain your certificate, which you can download and print on completion.

Please be aware that all content within this course is copyright protected

©2022 GP Healthcare Alliance.  

Please scroll down each screen and click ‘continue’ where indicated, also be aware of the arrows or the relevant numbers on the bottom of the screen to click on as needed.

Where possible we have provided audio support to utilise if preferred but please be aware that there are many screen shot examples for you to peruse also.

When you are ready to begin, click the Lesson name and then Launch Lesson.

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